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Translating Bitser into another Language

Bitser's interface can be translated into any language. All text displayed by Bitser is loaded at start-up from text files located in its installation directory under "\Resources\Translations\". The default language is English and the default file loaded at start-up is "en-AU.txt". If you wish to translate Bitser into another language you must make a copy of this file and save it in the same directory with an alternate filename. For example if you were translating into Spanish you would save it as "es-ES.txt". To see a list of codes for all languages click here.

Once you have made a copy of this file you can open it and translate every numbered line of text into the desired language. You must also change the line at the beginning of the file labelled "Language=English". For example, Spanish would be "Language=Espanol". Below is an example of the English and Spanish translation files

EN Translation filesES Translation files

Once you have translated and saved the file, Bitser will automatically detect it and list the new language in the Options tab under Language. To display the language, select it and then restart Bitser. You will need to check that all the translated text fits into Bitser's interface as expected.

If you are proficient in English and your chosen language, are tech savvy, and wish to share your translation file with others, feel free to email it to and it will be included in future releases of Bitser.
Please consider the follow points when creating your translation file.

All translations will be greatly appreciated and authors can remain anonymous or have their names listed in the translation file or Bitsers about window.